
Mocks are objects whose behavior can be controlled and which record how they are used. They are very commonly used to write tests. The next section presents the concept of a mock with an example. The rest of the chapter presents the features of asynctest.mock.

Using mocks

Let’s have a look at a function to be tested.

def cache_users(client, cache):
    Load the list of users from a distant server accessed with ``client``,
    add them to ``cache``.

    Notify the server about the number of new users put in the cache, and
    returns this number.

    :param client: a connection to the distant server
    :param cache: a dict-like object
    users = client.get_users()

    nb_users_cached = 0

    for user in users:
        if not in cache:
            nb_users_cached += 1
            cache[] = user


    logging.debug("added %d users to the cache %r", nb_users_cached, cache)

    return nb_users_cached

Even if the implementation of this function is correct, it can fail. For instance, client.get_users() performs calls to a distant server, which can fail temporarily.

It would also be complicated to create multiple test cases if the result of client.get_users() can’t be controlled inside the tests.

One can solve this problem by crafting a stub object:

class StubClient:
    User = collections.namedtuple("User", "id username")

    def __init__(self, *users_to_return):
        self.users_to_return = []

        self.nb_users_cached = 0

    def add_user(self, user):

    def get_users(self):
        return self.users_to_return

    def increase_nb_users_cached(self, nb_cached):
        self.nb_users_cached += nb_cached

Tests can be written with this object.

class TestUsingStub(asynctest.TestCase):
    def test_one_user_added_to_cache(self):
        user = StubClient.User(1, "a.dmin")
        client = StubClient(user)
        cache = {}

        # The user has been added to the cache
        nb_added = cache_users(client, cache)

        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 1)
        self.assertEqual(cache[1], user)

        # The user was already there
        nb_added = cache_users(client, cache)
        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0)
        self.assertEqual(cache[1], user)

    def test_no_users_to_add(self):
        cache = {}
        nb_added = cache_users(StubClient(), cache)

        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(cache), 0)

This will work correctly but has a few downsides. One of them is very practical: each time the interface of the stubbed class change, the stub must be updated.

There is also a bigger problem. In our example, test_no_users_to_add() might miss a bug. If cache_users() doesn’t call client.get_users(), no user is added to the cache, yet all the assertions in the test are checked.

In this example, the bug would be detected thanks to the other test. However, it might not be the case with a more complex implementation. The key to write a a better test is to enforce all the assumtions and requirements stated in the documentation.

Currently, the test can be described this way:

knowing that:

  • client.get_users() will return an empty result,
  • and that the cache is empty,

a call to cache_users() must leave the cache empty.

Instead, it should be:

knowing that:

  • client.get_users() will return an empty result,
  • and that the cache is empty,

a call to cache_users() must have queried the client and must leaves the cache empty.

Mocks solve both of the issues discussed above. A mock can be configured to act like an actual object, and provides assertion methods to verify how the object has been used.

We can also leverage the mock to test another statement of the documentation and make the test even more accurate. We will verify that the server is indeed notified of the number of users added to the cache.

class TestUsingMock(asynctest.TestCase):
    def test_no_users_to_add(self):
        client = asynctest.Mock(Client())
        client.get_users.return_value = []
        cache = {}

        nb_added = cache_users(client, cache)

        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(cache), 0)


In this example, client is a Mock. This mock will reproduce the interface of Client() (an instance of the Client class, ommited for simplicity, available in the example file tutorial/

By default, the attributes of a mock object are themselves mocks. We call them child mocks. In the above example, client.get_users is configured to return an empty list when called. By default, a new mock object would have been returned instead.

Later, client.get_users.assert_called() verifies that the method has been called. client.increase_nb_users_cached.assert_called_once_with(1) verifies that this method has been called, and that the right arguments have been provided.

Mocks are powerful and can be configured in many ways. Unfortunatly, they can be somewhat complex to use.

The next sections of this chapter will present the features of asynctest.Mock related to asyncio. It is recommended to be familiar with the module unittest.mock before reading the rest of this chapter.

Mocking of coroutines

Let’s rewrite the previous example using asyncio.

async def cache_users_async(client, cache):
    users = await client.get_users()

    nb_users_cached = 0

    for user in users:
        if not in cache:
            nb_users_cached += 1
            cache[] = user

    await client.increase_nb_users_cached(nb_users_cached)

    logging.debug("added %d users to the cache %r", nb_users_cached, cache)

    return nb_users_cached

A mock object can not be awaited (with the await keyword). There are several ways to make client.get_users() awaitable. One approach is to configure the mock to return a asyncio.Future object:

class TestUsingFuture(asynctest.TestCase):
    async def test_no_users_to_add(self):
        client = asynctest.Mock(Client())

        client.get_users.return_value = asyncio.Future()

        client.increase_nb_users_cached.return_value = asyncio.Future()

        cache = {}

        nb_added = await cache_users_async(client, cache)

        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(cache), 0)


client.get_users() returns is a future which yields an empty list. It works, but is fairly limited. For instance, if the original get_users() is a coroutine function, this is not the case of its mock counterpart.

This test can also miss a new bug now: what if client.increase_nb_users_cached() is never awaited? The method has been called, and since the result is a Future, this mistake will not be caught if the test runs with asyncio’s Debug Mode.

asynctest.CoroutineMock is a type of mock which specializes in mocking coroutine functions (defined with async def). A CoroutineMock object is not awaitable, but it returns a coroutine instance when called.

It provides assertion methods to ensure it has been awaited, as shown in this example:

class TestUsingCoroutineMock(asynctest.TestCase):
    async def test_no_users_to_add(self):
        client = asynctest.Mock(Client())
        client.get_users = asynctest.CoroutineMock(return_value=[])
        client.increase_nb_users_cached = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
        cache = {}

        nb_added = await cache_users_async(client, cache)

        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(cache), 0)


All the features of asynctest.CoroutineMock are decribed in the reference documentation.

Mocking of other objects

Mock can be configured with the arguments of its constructor. The value of spec defines the list of attributes of the mock. asynctest.Mock will also detect which attributes are coroutine functions and mock these attributes accordingly.

It means that in the previous example, it was not required to assign CoroutineMock objects to get_users() and increase_nb_users_cached().

async def test_no_users_to_add(self):
    client = asynctest.Mock(AsyncClient())
    client.get_users.return_value = []
    cache = {}

    nb_added = await cache_users_async(client, cache)

    self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0)
    self.assertEqual(len(cache), 0)



asynctest will mock an attribute as a CoroutineMock if the function is a native coroutine (async def function) or a decorated generator (using asyncio.coroutine(), before Python 3.5).

Some libraries document function or methods as coroutines, while they are actually implemented as simple functions returning an awaitable object (like asyncio.Future).

In this case, asynctest can not detect that it should be mocked with CoroutineMock.

spec defines the attributes of the mock, but isn’t passed to child mocks. In particular, using a class as spec will not reproduce the behavior of a constructor:

>>> ClientMock = asynctest.Mock(Client)
<Mock spec='Client' id='140657386768816'>
>>> ClientMock()
<Mock name='mock()' id='140657394808144'>
>>> ClientMock().get_users
<Mock name='mock().get_users' id='140657394808144'>

In this example, ClientMock should mock the Client class, but ClientMock() doesn’t return a mock specified as a Client instance, and thus, ClientMock().get_users is not mocked as a coroutine. We need autospeccing to fix this.


As the documentation of unittest says it, create_autospec() creates mock objects that have the same attributes and methods as the objects they are replacing. Any functions and methods (including constructors) have the same call signature as the real object.

It is the best solution to configure mocks to behave accurately like the object they replace.

The mock of a function or coroutine must be called with the right arguments:

async def test_functions_and_coroutines_arguments_are_checked(self):
    client = asynctest.Mock(Client())
    cache = {}

    cache_users_mock = asynctest.create_autospec(cache_users_async)

    with self.subTest("create_autospec returns a regular mock"):
        await cache_users_mock(client, cache)
        cache_users_mock.assert_awaited_once_with(client, cache)

    with self.subTest("an exception is raised when the mock is called "
                      "with the wrong number of arguments"):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            await cache_users_mock("wrong", "number", "of", "args")


This example also shows the use of assertRaises(), which is successful only if an exception is raised in the with block.

subTest() is used to document in a human-readable format which case is tested. It doesn’t change the outcome of the test. The message is displayed if an assertion fails, which is especially useful to understand faster which part of the test breaks.

create_autospec() will mock the constructor of a class as expected. When called, it returns a mock with the spec of the class:

async def test_create_autospec_on_a_class(self):
    AsyncClientMock = asynctest.create_autospec(AsyncClient)
    client = AsyncClientMock()

    with self.subTest("the mock of a class returns a mock instance of "
                      "the class"):
        self.assertIsInstance(client, AsyncClient)

    with self.subTest("attributes of the mock instance are correctly "
                      "mocked as coroutines"):
        await client.increase_nb_users_cached(1)

Types of mocks

There are several types of mocks with slightly different features:

  • Mock is the base mock type.

  • MagicMock, it is very similar to Mock, except that magic methods are also mocks, and can be configured:

    >>> asynctest.Mock().__hash__
    <method-wrapper '__hash__' of Mock object at 0x7fb514e3a748>
    >>> asynctest.MagicMock().__hash__
    <MagicMock name='mock.__hash__' id='140415716319528'>
    >>> asynctest.MagicMock().__hash__.return_value = "custom value"
  • NonCallableMock and NonCallableMagicMock are their non-callable counterparts. It’s usually better to use them when mocking objects or values.

  • CoroutineMock mocks a coroutine function (or, more generaly, any callable object returning an awaitable).

As mentioned before, a child mock is a mock attached to another mock. The child mock is either an attribute of the parent mock, or the result of a call to the parent mock. This relationship enables some features documented in the documentation of unittest.mock.Mock.

Attaching a child mock is just a matter of setting the right attribute:

client_mock = asynctest.Mock()
# manually attaching a child mock to get_users
mock.get_users = asynctest.Mock()
# manually attaching the returned child mock to get_users()
mock.get_users.return_value = asynctest.NonCallableMock()

By default, the child mock is the result of the factory method _get_child_mock(), and its result depend on the type of mock:

parent mock child mock
Mock Mock
MagicMock MagicMock
NonCallableMock Mock
NonCallableMagicMock MagicMock
CoroutineMock MagicMock

Controlling the result of CoroutineMock

Calling a CoroutineMock returns a coroutine which can be awaited.

The result of this coroutine can be configured like the result of a call to a mock.


The simplest way to configure the result of a mock is to set its return_value attribute. This result will always be returned as it is.

async def test_result_set_with_return_value(self):
    coroutine_mock = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
    result = object()
    coroutine_mock.return_value = result

    # return the expected result
    self.assertIs(result, await coroutine_mock())
    # always return the same result
    self.assertIs(await coroutine_mock(), await coroutine_mock())


The side_effect attribute of a mock enables more control over the result of the mock. If set, it has priority over return_value, which is ignored.

The value of side_effect can be a function. In this case, the call to the mock is forwarded to this function, and its result is returned.

async def test_result_with_side_effect_function(self):
    def uppercase_all(*args):
        return tuple(arg.upper() for arg in args)

    coroutine_mock = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
    coroutine_mock.side_effect = uppercase_all

    self.assertEqual(("FIRST", "CALL"),
                     await coroutine_mock("first", "call"))
    self.assertEqual(("A", "SECOND", "CALL"),
                     await coroutine_mock("a", "second", "call"))

If the side effect is an exception object or class, this exception is raised.

async def test_result_with_side_effect_exception(self):
    coroutine_mock = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
    coroutine_mock.side_effect = NotImplementedError

    # Raise an exception of the configured type
    with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
        await coroutine_mock("any", "number", "of", "args")

    coroutine_mock.side_effect = Exception("an instance of exception")

    # Raise the exact specified object
    with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
        await coroutine_mock()

    self.assertIs(coroutine_mock.side_effect, context.exception)

Last but not least, side_effect can be any iterable object. In this case, the mock will return each value once, until the iterator is exhausted and StopIteration is raised to the caller.

itertools.cycle() allows to repeat the iterator.

async def test_result_with_side_effect_iterable(self):
    coroutine_mock = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
    coroutine_mock.side_effect = ["one", "two", "three"]

    self.assertEqual("one", await coroutine_mock())
    self.assertEqual("two", await coroutine_mock())
    self.assertEqual("three", await coroutine_mock())

    coroutine_mock.side_effect = itertools.cycle(["odd", "even"])
    self.assertEqual("odd", await coroutine_mock())
    self.assertEqual("even", await coroutine_mock())
    self.assertEqual("odd", await coroutine_mock())
    self.assertEqual("even", await coroutine_mock())


If the value of side_effect is a coroutine function or a generator function, it is treated as a regular function.

The result of a call to this mock will be an instance of the coroutine or generator.

As of asynctest 0.12, specifying a coroutine function as the side effect of CoroutineMock is undefined and should be avoided. See Github issue #31.

Wrapped object

A mock can also wrap an object. This wrapped object is defined as an argument passed to the constructor of the mock.

When a mock or any of its attributes is called, the call is forwarded to the wrapped object, like if it was the value of side_effect. If side_effect or return_value are set for the mock, they will have priority over the wrapper.

In practice, this is equivalent to adding the features of a Mock to a stub object.

async def test_result_with_wrapped_object(self):
    stub = StubClient()
    mock = asynctest.Mock(stub, wraps=stub)
    cache = {}

    stub.add_user(StubClient.User(1, "a.dmin"))
    cache_users(mock, cache)

    self.assertEqual(stub.users_to_return, mock.get_users())

Asynchronous iterators and context managers

Python 3.5 introduced the support for asynchronous iterators and context managers. They can be implemented with the magic methods __aiter__(), __anext__(), __aenter__(), __aexit__() as described in PEP 0492#asynchronous-context-managers-and-async-with.

MagicMock will mock these methods and greatly simplify their configuration.

In the example we used so far, we assumed that client.get_users() loads all users from a database and store them in a list that it will return. This implementation may consume a lot of memory if there are a lot of users to return. We can instead use a cursor.

A cursor is an object pointing to the result of the query get all users on the database. It keeps an open connection to the database and fetches the objects lazily (only when they are really needed). It allows to load the users one by one from the database, and avoid filling the memory with all users at once.

It is also common to wrap several related queries to a database in a transaction to ensure the sequence of calls is consistent. A better implementation of cache_users() should keep the calls to get_users() and increase_nb_users_cached() in the same transaction.

The cache_users() implementation will look like this:

async def cache_users_with_cursor(client, cache):
    nb_users_cached = 0

    async with client.new_transaction() as transaction:
        users_cursor = transaction.get_users_cursor()

        async for user in users_cursor:
            if not in cache:
                nb_users_cached += 1
                cache[] = user

        await transaction.increase_nb_users_cached(nb_users_cached)

    logging.debug("added %d users to the cache %r", nb_users_cached, cache)

    return nb_users_cached

client.new_transaction() returns a transaction object. Under the hood, async with calls its coroutine method __aenter__() and the result is stored in the variable transaction.

users_cursor is an asynchronously iterable object. It implements the method __aiter__(), which returns an asynchronous iterator. __aiter__() is a function, not a coroutine. For each iteration of the async for loop, the coroutine method __anext__() of the asynchronous iterator is called and its result is assigned to user.

When the interpreter leaves the async with block, __aexit__() is called.

A partial implementation of this logic can be found in the example file tutorial/

The next sections show how to use MagicMock to test this method.

Asynchronous context manager

MagicMock mocks __aenter__ with a CoroutineMock returning a new child mock.

If an exception is raised in an async with block, this exception is passed to __aexit__(). In this case, the return value defines wether the interpreter suppresses or propagates the exception, as described in the documentation of object.__exit__().

MagicMock mocks __aexit__ with a CoroutineMock returning False by default, which means that the exception is propagated.

By default, we can use a MagicMock in an async with block without configuration, exceptions raised in this block are propagated:

async def test_context_manager(self):
    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
        async with asynctest.MagicMock() as context:
            # context is a MagicMock

However, in the example above, the transaction object exposes the same methods as client. In particular, We must configure this mock so transaction.increase_nb_users_cached() is a coroutine.

Asynchronous iterator

The method __aiter__() of a MagicMock returns an asynchronous iterator. By default, this iterator is empty.

async def test_empty_iterable(self):
    loop_iterations = 0
    async for _ in asynctest.MagicMock():
        loop_iterations += 1

    self.assertEqual(0, loop_iterations)

The values yielded by the iterator can be configured by setting the return_value of __aiter__. This value must be an iterable object, such as a list or a generator:

async def test_iterable(self):
    loop_iterations = 0
    mock = asynctest.MagicMock()
    mock.__aiter__.return_value = range(5)
    async for _ in mock:
        loop_iterations += 1

    self.assertEqual(5, loop_iterations)


As of asynctest 0.12, it is not possible to use an asynchronously iterable object as return_value for __aiter__().

Setting side_effect allows to override the behavior of MagicMock.

Putting it all together

We can leverage several features of asynctest when testing cache_users_with_cursor():

class TestCacheWithMagicMethods(asynctest.TestCase):
    async def test_one_user_added_to_cache(self):
        user = StubClient.User(1, "a.dmin")

        AsyncClientMock = asynctest.create_autospec(AsyncClient)

        transaction = asynctest.MagicMock()
        transaction.__aenter__.side_effect = AsyncClientMock

        cursor = asynctest.MagicMock()
        cursor.__aiter__.return_value = [user]

        client = AsyncClientMock()
        client.new_transaction.return_value = transaction
        client.get_users_cursor.return_value = cursor

        cache = {}

        # The user has been added to the cache
        nb_added = await cache_users_with_cursor(client, cache)

        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 1)
        self.assertEqual(cache[1], user)

        # The user was already there
        nb_added = await cache_users_with_cursor(client, cache)
        self.assertEqual(nb_added, 0)
        self.assertEqual(cache[1], user)

This example deserve some explanation.

First, we use create_autospec() to build a mock of the class AsyncClient.

transaction will be the object configured as a context manager. When called with async with, it must return an object with an interface as client. We set AsyncClientMock as a side effect to transaction.__aenter__, which means that a new mock of an instance of AsyncClient will be issued each time transaction is used in an async width block.

cursor will be used in the async for loop. The iterator will yield the values of cursor.__aiter__.return_value. We set to a list containing a single User object. A new iterator is created each time an async for loop is called upon the cursor, it is safe to use this mock several times.

We then create client, a mock created from AsyncClientMock. We configure it so the return values of client.new_transaction() and client.get_users_cursor() are the mocks we created above.

Note that we configured the behavior of client’s attributes, not those of AsyncClientMock. This is because the child mock of an autospecced class will not inherit the behavior of the parent mock, only its spec.


Patching is a mechanism allowing to temporarily replace a symbol (class, object, function, attribute, …) by a mock, in-place. It is especially useful when one need a mock, but can’t pass it as a parameter of the function to be tested.

For instance, if cache_users() didn’t accept the client argument, but instead created a new client, it would not be possible to replace it by a mock like in all the previous examples.

When an object is hard to mock, it sometimes shows a limitation in the design: a coupling that is too tight, the use of a global variable (or a singleton), etc. However, it’s not always possible or desirable to change the code to accomodate the tests. A common situation where tight coupling is almost invisible is when performing logging or monitoring. In this case, patching will help.

A patch() can be used as a context manager. It will replace the target (logging.debug()) with a mock during the lifetime of the with block.

async def test_with_context_manager(self):
    client = asynctest.Mock(AsyncClient())
    cache = {}

    with asynctest.patch("logging.debug") as debug_mock:
        await cache_users_async(client, cache)


Alternatively, patch() can be used to decorate a test or a test class (inheriting TestCase). This second example is roughly equivalent to the previous one. The main difference is that for all tests affected by the patch (the decorated method or all test methods in a decorated test class) must accept an additional argument which will receive the mock object used by the patch.

Note that when using multiple decorators on a single method, the order of the arguments is inversed compared to the order of the decorators. This is due to the way decorators work in Python, a topic which we don’t cover in this documentation.

async def test_with_decorator(self, debug_mock, error_mock):
    client = asynctest.Mock(AsyncClient())
    cache = {}

    await cache_users_async(client, cache)



In practice, we should have used unittest.TestCase.assertLogs(). It asserts that a given message have been logged and makes more sense than manually patching logging.

There are variants of patch():

The official python documentation provide extensive details about how to define the target of a patch in its section Where to patch.

Scope of the patch

There is one hidden catch in the examples above: what happens to the patch when the interpreter reaches the await statement and pauses the coroutine?

When patch is used as a context manager, the patch stays active until the interpreter reached the end of the with block.

When used as a decorator, the patch is activated right before the function (or coroutine) is executed, and deactivated once it returned. This is equivalent to englobing the body of the function in a with statement instead of using the decorator.

However, since couroutines are asynchronous, the work performed by the interpreter while the coroutine is paused is unpredictable. In some cases, the patch can conflict with something else, and must only be active when the patched coroutine is running.

It is possible to control when a asynctest.patch() must be active when applied to a coroutine with the argument scope.

If scope is set to asynctest.LIMITED, the patch is active only when the coroutine is running.

This situation is illustrated in the example bellow. The test case TestMustBePatched runs a task in background which fails if some patch is active. It contains two tests: one which shows the test conflicting, and one which uses the LIMITED scope to deactivate the patch outside of the test coroutine.

class TestMustBePatched(asynctest.TestCase):
    async def setUp(self):
        # Event used to track if the background task checked if the patch
        # is active
        self.checked = asyncio.Event()

        # This task checks if the object is patched continuously, and sets
        # the checked event everytime it does so.
        self.background_task = asyncio.create_task(

        # Any test will fail if the background task raises an exception
        self.addCleanup(terminate_and_check_task, self.background_task)

    @asynctest.patch.object(must_be_patched, "is_patched",
    async def test_patching_conflicting(self, _):
        # This call blocks until the check happened once in background
        await happened_once(self.checked)
        self.assertTrue(await must_be_patched.is_patched())
        await happened_once(self.checked)

    @asynctest.patch.object(must_be_patched, "is_patched",
                            return_value=True, scope=asynctest.LIMITED)
    async def test_patching_not_conflicting(self, _):
        await happened_once(self.checked)
        self.assertTrue(await must_be_patched.is_patched())
        await happened_once(self.checked)

In this example, happened_once() pauses the coroutine until the background task checked once that the patch is not active. The code of must_be_patched, happened_once() and terminate_and_check_task() is available in the example file tutorial/

test_patching_conflicting() fails because the patch is still active when it is paused and aways the self.checked event. While paused, the background task runs, and crashes because the patch is still active.

In test_patching_not_conflicting(), the patch is set with a LIMITED scope, and is active only when the coroutine runs. When await must_be_patched.is_patched() runs, the patch is still active. This coroutine runs in the scope of the outher coroutine (the test): indeed, must_be_patched.is_patched() is scheduled in the task running the test.


This chapter showed most of the concepts and features of mock relevant when testing asynchronous code. There are plenty of other features and subtleties which are covered in the documentation of unittest.mock.