Source code for

# coding: utf-8

Enhance :class:`unittest.TestCase`:

* a new loop is issued and set as the default loop before each test, and
  closed and disposed after,

* if the loop uses a selector, it will be wrapped with

* a test method in a TestCase identified as a coroutine function or returning
  a coroutine will run on the loop,

* :meth:`~TestCase.setUp()` and :meth:`~TestCase.tearDown()` methods can be
  coroutine functions,

* cleanup functions registered with :meth:`~TestCase.addCleanup()` can be
  coroutine functions,

* a test fails if the loop did not run during the test.

class-level set-up

Since each test runs in its own loop, it is not possible to run
:meth:`~TestCase.setUpClass()` and :meth:`~TestCase.tearDownClass()` as

If one needs to perform set-up actions at the class level (meaning
once for all tests in the class), it should be done using a loop created for
this sole purpose and that is not shared with the tests. Ideally, the loop
shall be closed in the method which creates it.

If one really needs to share a loop between tests,
:attr:`TestCase.use_default_loop` can be set to ``True`` (as a class
attribute). The test case will use the loop returned by
:meth:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` instead of creating a new loop for each test.
This way, the event loop or event loop policy can be set during class-level
set-up and tear down.

import asyncio
import functools
import types
import sys
import warnings

from import *  # NOQA

import asynctest.selector
import asynctest._fail_on

class _Policy(asyncio.AbstractEventLoopPolicy):
    def __init__(self, original_policy, loop, forbid_get_event_loop):
        self.original_policy = original_policy
        self.forbid_get_event_loop = forbid_get_event_loop
        self.loop = loop
        self.watcher = None

    # we override the loop from the original policy because we don't want to
    # instantiate a "default loop" that may be never closed (usually, we only
    # run the test, so the "original default loop" is not even created by the
    # policy).
    def get_event_loop(self):
        if self.forbid_get_event_loop:
            raise AssertionError("TestCase.forbid_get_event_loop is True, "
                                 "asyncio.get_event_loop() must not be called")
        elif self.loop:
            return self.loop
            return self.original_policy.get_event_loop()

    def new_event_loop(self):
        return self.original_policy.new_event_loop()

    def set_event_loop(self, loop):
        result = self.original_policy.set_event_loop(loop)
        self.loop = loop
        return result

    def _check_unix(self):
        if not hasattr(asyncio, "SafeChildWatcher"):
            raise NotImplementedError

    def get_child_watcher(self):
        if self.loop:
            if self.watcher is None:
                self.watcher = asyncio.SafeChildWatcher()

            return self.watcher
            return self.original_policy.get_child_watcher()

    def set_child_watcher(self, watcher):
        if self.loop:
            result = self.original_policy.set_child_watcher(watcher)
            self.watcher = watcher
            return result
            return self.original_policy.set_child_watcher(watcher)

    def reset_watcher(self):
        if self.watcher:
            # force the original policy to reissue a child watcher next time
            # get_child_watcher() is called, which effectively attach the loop
            # to the new watcher. That's the best we can do so far

[docs]class TestCase( """ A test which is a coroutine function or which returns a coroutine will run on the loop. Once the test returned, one or more assertions are checked. For instance, a test fails if the loop didn't run. These checks can be enabled or disabled using the :func:`~asynctest.fail_on` decorator. By default, a new loop is created and is set as the default loop before each test. Test authors can retrieve this loop with :attr:`~asynctest.TestCase.loop`. If :attr:`~asynctest.TestCase.use_default_loop` is set to ``True``, the current default event loop is used instead. In this case, it is up to the test author to deal with the state of the loop in each test: the loop might be closed, callbacks and tasks may be scheduled by previous tests. It is also up to the test author to close the loop and dispose the related resources. If :attr:`~asynctest.TestCase.forbid_get_event_loop` is set to ``True``, a call to :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` will raise an :exc:`AssertionError`. Since Python 3.6, calling :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` from a callback or a coroutine will return the running loop (instead of raising an exception). These behaviors should be configured when defining the test case class:: class With_Reusable_Loop_TestCase(asynctest.TestCase): use_default_loop = True forbid_get_event_loop = False def test_something(self): pass If :meth:`setUp()` and :meth:`tearDown()` are coroutine functions, they will run on the loop. Note that :meth:`setUpClass()` and :meth:`tearDownClass()` can not be coroutines. .. versionadded:: 0.5 attribute :attr:`~asynctest.TestCase.use_default_loop`. .. versionadded:: 0.7 attribute :attr:`~asynctest.TestCase.forbid_get_event_loop`. In any case, the default loop is now reset to its original state outside a test function. .. versionadded:: 0.8 ``ignore_loop`` has been deprecated in favor of the extensible :func:`~asynctest.fail_on` decorator. """ #: If true, the loop used by the test case is the current default event #: loop returned by :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()`. The loop will not be #: closed and recreated between tests. use_default_loop = False #: If true, the value returned by :func:`asyncio.get_event_loop()` will be #: set to ``None`` during the test. It allows to ensure that tested code #: use a loop object explicitly passed around. forbid_get_event_loop = False #: Event loop created and set as default event loop during the test. loop = None def _init_loop(self): if self.use_default_loop: self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop = None else: loop = self.loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() policy = _Policy(asyncio.get_event_loop_policy(), loop, self.forbid_get_event_loop) asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(policy) self.loop = self._patch_loop(self.loop) def _unset_loop(self): policy = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy() if not self.use_default_loop: if sys.version_info >= (3, 6): self.loop.run_until_complete(self.loop.shutdown_asyncgens()) self.loop.close() policy.reset_watcher() asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(policy.original_policy) self.loop = None def _patch_loop(self, loop): if hasattr(loop, '_asynctest_ran'): # The loop is already patched return loop loop._asynctest_ran = False def wraps(method): @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return method(*args, **kwargs) finally: loop._asynctest_ran = True return types.MethodType(wrapper, loop) for method in ('run_forever', 'run_until_complete', ): setattr(loop, method, wraps(getattr(loop, method))) if isinstance(loop, asyncio.selector_events.BaseSelectorEventLoop): loop._selector = asynctest.selector.TestSelector(loop._selector) return loop def _setUp(self): self._init_loop() # initialize post-test checks test = getattr(self, self._testMethodName) checker = getattr(test, asynctest._fail_on._FAIL_ON_ATTR, None) self._checker = checker or asynctest._fail_on._fail_on() self._checker.before_test(self) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.setUp): self.loop.run_until_complete(self.setUp()) else: self.setUp() # don't take into account if the loop ran during setUp self.loop._asynctest_ran = False def _tearDown(self): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.tearDown): self.loop.run_until_complete(self.tearDown()) else: self.tearDown() # post-test checks self._checker.check_test(self) # Override unittest.TestCase methods which call setUp() and tearDown() def run(self, result=None): orig_result = result if result is None: result = self.defaultTestResult() startTestRun = getattr(result, 'startTestRun', None) if startTestRun is not None: startTestRun() result.startTest(self) testMethod = getattr(self, self._testMethodName) if (getattr(self.__class__, "__unittest_skip__", False) or getattr(testMethod, "__unittest_skip__", False)): # If the class or method was skipped. try: skip_why = (getattr(self.__class__, '__unittest_skip_why__', '') or getattr(testMethod, '__unittest_skip_why__', '')) self._addSkip(result, self, skip_why) finally: result.stopTest(self) return expecting_failure = getattr(testMethod, "__unittest_expecting_failure__", False) outcome = try: self._outcome = outcome with outcome.testPartExecutor(self): self._setUp() if outcome.success: outcome.expecting_failure = expecting_failure with outcome.testPartExecutor(self, isTest=True): self._run_test_method(testMethod) outcome.expecting_failure = False with outcome.testPartExecutor(self): self._tearDown() self.loop.run_until_complete(self.doCleanups()) self._unset_loop() for test, reason in outcome.skipped: self._addSkip(result, test, reason) self._feedErrorsToResult(result, outcome.errors) if outcome.success: if expecting_failure: if outcome.expectedFailure: self._addExpectedFailure(result, outcome.expectedFailure) else: self._addUnexpectedSuccess(result) else: result.addSuccess(self) return result finally: result.stopTest(self) if orig_result is None: stopTestRun = getattr(result, 'stopTestRun', None) if stopTestRun is not None: stopTestRun() # explicitly break reference cycles: # outcome.errors -> frame -> outcome -> outcome.errors # outcome.expectedFailure -> frame -> outcome -> outcome.expectedFailure outcome.errors.clear() outcome.expectedFailure = None # clear the outcome, no more needed self._outcome = None def debug(self): self._setUp() try: self._run_test_method(getattr(self, self._testMethodName)) self._tearDown() while self._cleanups: function, args, kwargs = self._cleanups.pop(-1) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(function): self.loop.run_until_complete(function(*args, **kwargs)) else: function(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: raise finally: self._unset_loop() def _run_test_method(self, method): # If the method is a coroutine or returns a coroutine, run it on the # loop result = method() if asyncio.iscoroutine(result): self.loop.run_until_complete(result)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def doCleanups(self): """ Execute all cleanup functions. Normally called for you after tearDown. """ outcome = self._outcome or unittest.mock._Outcome() while self._cleanups: function, args, kwargs = self._cleanups.pop() with outcome.testPartExecutor(self): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(function): yield from function(*args, **kwargs) else: function(*args, **kwargs) return outcome.success
[docs] def addCleanup(self, function, *args, **kwargs): """ Add a function, with arguments, to be called when the test is completed. If function is a coroutine function, it will run on the loop before it's cleaned. """ return super().addCleanup(function, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def assertAsyncRaises(self, exception, awaitable): """ Test that an exception of type ``exception`` is raised when an exception is raised when awaiting ``awaitable``, a future or coroutine. :see: :meth:`unittest.TestCase.assertRaises()` """ with self.assertRaises(exception): return (yield from awaitable)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def assertAsyncRaisesRegex(self, exception, regex, awaitable): """ Like :meth:`assertAsyncRaises()` but also tests that ``regex`` matches on the string representation of the raised exception. :see: :meth:`unittest.TestCase.assertRaisesRegex()` """ with self.assertRaisesRegex(exception, regex): return (yield from awaitable)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def assertAsyncWarns(self, warning, awaitable): """ Test that a warning is triggered when awaiting ``awaitable``, a future or a coroutine. :see: :meth:`unittest.TestCase.assertWarns()` """ with self.assertWarns(warning): return (yield from awaitable)
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def assertAsyncWarnsRegex(self, warning, regex, awaitable): """ Like :meth:`assertAsyncWarns()` but also tests that ``regex`` matches on the message of the triggered warning. :see: :meth:`unittest.TestCase.assertWarnsRegex()` """ with self.assertWarnsRegex(warning, regex): return (yield from awaitable)
[docs]class FunctionTestCase(TestCase, unittest.FunctionTestCase): """ Enables the same features as :class:`~asynctest.TestCase`, but for :class:`~asynctest.FunctionTestCase`. """
[docs]class ClockedTestCase(TestCase): """ Subclass of :class:`~asynctest.TestCase` with a controlled loop clock, useful for testing timer based behaviour without slowing test run time. """ def _init_loop(self): super()._init_loop() self.loop.time = functools.wraps(self.loop.time)(lambda: self._time) self._time = 0
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def advance(self, seconds): """ Fast forward time by a number of ``seconds``. Callbacks scheduled to run up to the destination clock time will be executed on time: >>> self.loop.call_later(1, print_time) >>> self.loop.call_later(2, self.loop.call_later, 1, print_time) >>> await self.advance(3) 1 3 In this example, the third callback is scheduled at ``t = 2`` to be executed at ``t + 1``. Hence, it will run at ``t = 3``. The callback as been called on time. """ if seconds < 0: raise ValueError( 'Cannot go back in time ({} seconds)'.format(seconds)) yield from self._drain_loop() target_time = self._time + seconds while True: next_time = self._next_scheduled() if next_time is None or next_time > target_time: break self._time = next_time yield from self._drain_loop() self._time = target_time yield from self._drain_loop()
def _next_scheduled(self): try: return self.loop._scheduled[0]._when except IndexError: return None @asyncio.coroutine def _drain_loop(self): while True: next_time = self._next_scheduled() if not self.loop._ready and (next_time is None or next_time > self._time): break yield from asyncio.sleep(0) self.loop._TestCase_asynctest_ran = True
def ignore_loop(func=None): """ Ignore the error case where the loop did not run during the test. """ warnings.warn("ignore_loop() is deprecated in favor of " "fail_on(unused_loop=False)", DeprecationWarning) checker = asynctest._fail_on._fail_on({"unused_loop": False}) return checker if func is None else checker(func)